Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New developments reveal a molecule with a promising function in terms of cancer treatment

ScienceDaily (Oct. 29, 2012) ? One of the current challenges in terms of cancer treatment is how it can be best adapted to patients: Today the emphasis is on personalised treatment (factoring in genetic and metabolic profiles). In response to this growing need for personalisation, there is an increasing demand for fundamental research to develop adapted future treatments. Researchers from Inserm and CNRS from the Institute for genetics and molecular and cellular biology (IGBMC) and from the Research Institute at the Strasbourg school of biotechnology (Irebs) have focussed their efforts on PARG, currently thought to be a promising new therapeutic target in the treatment of cancer. Their work has revealed the role of this molecule in regulating gene expression.

The results were published on 25 October 2012 in the journal Molecular Cell.

Cells are subjected to various stresses throughout their life. Some of this stress can damage DNA. Fortunately, cells have several mechanisms used to repair these lesions. Breaking two DNA strands is one of the most serious afflictions a chromosome can suffer. The cell must repair this break if it is to continue dividing. Repair actions are either performed in an optimal manner, and the cell resumes its normal division cycle, or the lesion is not repaired correctly, causing the cell to die or the appearance of an anomaly that may trigger cancer.

One of the repair mechanisms used is poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. In this mechanism, some molecules (PARPs) detect DNA breaks and cause poly(ADP-riboses) synthesis that binds with proteins, thus initialising the lesion repair system. As such, this system can act as a 'saviour' if the repairs are correctly completed, but, it can be equally damaging in the event of incorrect repair.

In the case of cancer, to ensure the cells are destroyed, PARP inhibitors are currently undergoing clinical tests as therapeutic adjuvant used to increase the receptivity of cancer cells to specific chemotherapies.

In terms of fundamental research, researchers know that the poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation mechanism is reversible and is closely regulated by Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG). PARP and PARG thus seem to make up a tandem of molecules dedicated to maintaining genome integrity. PARG targeting has proved to potentiate the action of genotoxic agents, making this molecule a promising new therapeutic target in the treatment of some cancers, as is the case for PARP.

However, little research has been conducted into PARG, but in light of its close links with PARP, researchers are now taking a very close look at its functions.

In this new work, the researchers have demonstrated that in addition to its genome repair role, PARG was involved in modulating the cell's transcriptional activity.

Given the keen current interest on PARP and PARG inhibitors in the treatment of cancer, it is essential to gain accurate knowledge of the functions and action modes of these promising therapeutic targets, as well as the consequences of their invalidation. This study is the first to highlight how PARG action mechanism regulates gene expression.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by INSERM (Institut national de la sant? et de la recherche m?dicale).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Nicolas Le?May, Izarn Iltis, Jean-Christophe Am?, Alexander Zhovmer, Denis Biard, Jean-Marc Egly, Val?rie Schreiber, Fr?d?ric Coin. Poly (ADP-Ribose) Glycohydrolase Regulates Retinoic Acid Receptor-Mediated Gene Expression. Molecular Cell, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2012.09.021

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Mobile service still not fully restored for many

10 hrs.

Wireless carriers worked diligently?Tuesday to get their networks back up and running after Sandy struck, but despite that, outages continued for many mobile customers.

About 25 percent of cell towers were knocked out in states hit by the storm, according to the Federal Communications Commission. Putting those pieces back together has not been safe for wireless workers nor?easily doable in heavily flooded areas.

Verizon Wireless, the nation's largest carrier (by subscriber numbers), told NBC News that?in the Northeast, 94 percent of its cell sites are "up and running, and all our switching and data centers are functioning normally."

"The majority of the problems are 'out of service' sites resulting from multiple factors, including telco service disruption, power outages and flooding in low lying areas such as the tip of lower Manhattan," said Debra Lewis,?a Verizon Wireless spokeswoman.

AT&T, the second largest carrier in the U.S., is "experiencing some issues in areas heavily impacted by the storm," spokesman Mark Siegel told NBC News, but, like other carriers,?declined to say at what percent its wireless network is operating.

AT&T?spent part of Tuesday doing an "on-the-ground assessment of our network for damage,?and crews will be working around the clock to restore service. We are deploying personnel and equipment as soon as it is safe to do so," the spokesman said.

Sprint said Tuesday it is "experiencing service impacts in the states affected by Hurricane Sandy and the concurrent winter weather conditions, particularly in the New York tri-state area, Pennsylvania, and parts of New England."

"These impacts are due to loss of commercial power, flooding, loss of cell site backhaul connections, site access and damaging debris," Sprint spokeswoman Crystal Davis said in a statement to NBC News.?

"Weather and safety conditions are still dire in some areas, but our technicians are assessing the damage and servicing sites as they become known to us and as the areas are deemed safe to enter," she said.

"Given the on-going weather conditions, we cannot provide a specific number of impacted customers, but we ask that they remain patient at this time and exercise caution in the aftermath of the recent events."

T-Mobile said late Tuesday that its network is "more than 80 percent operational" in New York City, and "more than 90 percent operational"?in Washington D.C.

"Mobile network engineers are working as quickly as possible to restore service to areas affected by Hurricane Sandy," T-Mobile said in a statement. "Restoration work continues in the harder hit areas of lower Manhattan, Staten Island, Long Island, coastal and Northern New Jersey, Connecticut and portions of Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia."

If you're in an area that was hit by?Sandy, and?getting service on your wireless phone now, the next several days and weeks may be tricky as carriers work on their networks. For some tips on how to preserve battery life and other suggestions, you may want to read this.

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on?Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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New Media Project at Union Theological Seminary: What churches do

By Monica A. Coleman
?Can your church help out with that? Isn?t this what churches do??

I heard that question on two separate occasions as I planned for the arrival of my firstborn child.

Could church members bring me meals for the first week home after surgery?
Do any church members have used baby stuff I can borrow or buy?
Can?t someone come by and take my teen shopping for school supplies?

There was a time in my life where my church would have done all this. It?s one of the many reasons I like small churches. (By ?small,? I mean membership of 20-120 people). We know each other well. We support the minutiae of each others? lives. We?re invested in each person?s well-being. We become family to each other.

But I now live in a larger city; I attend a larger church. Geographical proximity comes in tens of miles, and I couldn?t imagine asking anyone to get on a busy freeway during rush hour.

As I explained this to my inquiring friends, they declared, ?No problem,? and took off to their computers.

  • They suggested I email a small group of friends with young children to get a list of baby stuff needs.
  • I did a baby registry online.
  • I supplied email addresses and a friend used an online invitation website for the baby shower.
  • I joined a mommy listserv where I met other moms selling used infant belongings at a discount.
  • One friend texted pictures of her adorable infant upon request to remind me that the discomfort of the third trimester would soon become a cuddly little person.
  • One friend organized my friends into meal drop-offs through a website made just for this.
  • Another friend sent a gift certificate for a week of vegan meal delivery.
  • The teen?s school supplies were ordered online with two-day delivery.
With the help of social media and phone technology, friends and strangers became my church.

There?s nothing explicitly religious about this. A social organization, cadre of friends, or nearby family can be supportive community. But this is one way church has functioned in my life, and I?ve always seen it as an extension of our understanding of Jesus? teachings to be neighbors and family to one another.

I told them as much. Sometimes, the new media communication facilitated face-to-face encounters: Picking up the stroller set from someone I?d only emailed twice. Shaking hands with the representative from the diaper service who did the demonstration. Eating snacks together at the baby shower held at a friend?s house. When I had the chance, I told this online web of friends, strangers, and services: ?You are church to me.?

Has new media helped you find church in ways you used to find it in person?

Monica A. Coleman, a research fellow for the New Media Project, serves as Associate Professor of Constructive Theology and African American Religions and Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies at Claremont School of Theology and Associate Professor of Religion at Claremont Graduate University in southern California.

The New Media Project is a research project helping religious leaders become theologically savvy about technology. To request permission to repost this content, please contact


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

EU gives Pfizer cancer drug conditional approval

NEW YORK (AP) ? Drug giant Pfizer Inc. said Wednesday that it's received conditional approval to market its lung cancer pill Xalkori for certain patients in the European Union.

The drug, also known by the chemical name crizotinib, is for adults who have failed prior treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer and have a genetic mutation found in less than 7 percent of patients with that cancer. It can shrink tumors and delay progression of the cancer.

The European Commission grants conditional marketing authorizations, which are renewable annually, for medicines that address unmet medical need and offer patients more benefit than risk. The company said it will be required to submit data from a recently completed study of Xalkori to the European Medicines Agency. The European Commission will then decide whether to grant full marketing approval.

The drug already is approved in the U.S., Japan, Canada and other countries.

Xalkori has significant possible side effects, including liver damage and an irregular heartbeat, both of which can be fatal. Other side effects include damage to peripheral nerves, a drop in infection-fighting white blood cells, harm to a fetus in pregnant women, vision disorder, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, swelling in the legs or other body parts, constipation and fatigue.

Shares added 23 cents, nearly 1 percent, to $25.41 in afternoon trading.


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Fixing Health Care Isn't About Party, 'It's About Building A ...

It?s no secret that reforming the country?s health care system is an important issue in this year?s presidential election. According to a recent survey from the New England Journal of Medicine, one out of every five voters sees the 2010 health law as a top priority, but many are also still perplexed by it. That confusion has led about 15,000 physicians and medical students from around the country, working through the grassroots advocacy group Doctors for America, to take on the challenge of explaining the measure to patients and providers.

Doctors, part of the ?Patients Over Politics? campaign, talk about their bus tour and goals (Photo by Doctors For America via Flickr).

The group, which first took shape in 2009, launched a bus tour in late August as part of its ?Patients Over Politics? campaign. The tour visited points between the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. Along the way, its members spoke with more than 5,000 people.

Dr. Vivek Murthy, an attending physician at Brigham and Women?s Hospital in Boston and the co-founder of Doctors for America, views this kind of physician involvement as critical to addressing the ills of nation?s health care system.

A number of?national medical professional organizations, such as the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Family Physicians, endorsed the health law and are now working?to shape the?implementation of specific provisions. Murthy says, though, that Doctors for America is unique in that it attempts to link its members on the ground with patients, community leaders and lawmakers to advance understanding of the overhaul and continue to build on it.

Dr. Vivek Murthy

?We thought this is a moment where maybe we can make sure things are different ? where we can bring physicians together to have more of an active voice,? Murthy said.

KHN?s Shefali S. Kulkarni spoke with Murthy, who also serves on the White House?s Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health Council and whose organization has become a non-profit project of the Center for American Progress. Edited excerpts follow.

Q: What motivated the bus tour?

A: The whole reason we began our campaign was to take this message to politicians in both parties and to communities. Our thesis going in was that people didn?t care if it was a Republican or a Democrat pushing for health care; ultimately what they cared about was how it could make their lives better.

People would tell us they were worried about how expensive insurance had become [or] that coverage wouldn?t be there for them when they got sick. We also heard a great sense of confusion ? people had heard all kinds of myths and rumors that scared them [or] they just didn?t know what the [law's] benefits were. There was a 23-year-old man at the University of South Florida who told us he was uninsured and fell sick last year. He told us, ?Now I have a huge insurance bill and I?m in debt and I?m trying to finish school and after all that I still don?t have insurance.?? He didn?t know about the provision that could allow him to stay on his parents plan till he was 26. His eyes really lit up when we told him this.

Q: What?s the next step? ?

A: We?re organizing in states like Ohio, Massachusetts, Florida, and hopefully more states to get doctors [and] patients to sign ?declarations of delivery?? to declare their support for the Affordable Care Act. We are going to deliver those declarations to elected leaders in those areas.

Q: And what about after the election?

A: The outcome of the election doesn?t change our mission. It isn?t about the party. It?s about building a sustainable system where everyone has access to quality health care. And that will require advocacy and hard work regardless of who wins the White House.

If President Barack Obama is reelected our goal is to make sure the health care law is implemented so that it will maximize benefits for patients. And we will go into communities and continue to explain how patients can take advantage of these benefits. We will also be pushing the president to go beyond the health law to make sure that we have a health care system that works. If [former Massachusetts] Gov. Mitt Romney is elected we will have to see what he intends to do with the law. He?s been running on a platform of repealing it, but there are already a lot of components of the health care law in place. We would work with the Romney administration to see that it is kept in place and perhaps build on it.

Q: How did Doctors for America start?

A: For years my colleagues and I noticed that people come into the medical profession with high ideals?wanting to help patients and do good for their community. But once they get into the practice of medicine they realize the system is broken. Many physicians have found themselves spending more time with paperwork than with patients, and feel like their soul is kind of being sucked dry. That is what?s driving so much of the burnout and the stress. It wasn?t just the fact that the health care system was broken ? it?s that they were losing a sense of hope that it could actually get better ? and that was the part that was most alarming to me. So we wanted to use the voices of doctors to move the health care system in a direction that ultimately places physicians and patients at the center of the discussion.

Q: If Doctors for America is a means to get physicians? voices talking about changing the health system, what do doctors really want to happen?

A: If you talk to people on Capitol Hill, and you ask them, ?What do doctors care about?? they?ll tell you two things: doctors care about medical malpractice and they care about reimbursement. What is frustrating to many doctors is that that didn?t really reflect the values of doctors who care about the quality of care we are delivering. So during the run up to health care reform we surveyed physicians on what their priorities were.

Physicians often told us that they thought it was a travesty that we had such a high uninsured rate ? a rate that was only getting worse. A second big priority is that they wanted to improve and strengthen primary care. A lot of primary care docs and specialists see the system as increasingly untenable ?both the quality of the work and in the reimbursement. That was leading to more burnout among primary care docs and it wasn?t an attractive option for medical school students. A third big priority was ensuring that we had the right types of clinics? [and] enough nurses and physicians to really deliver care.

Article source:


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What Our Pets Teach Us About Marketing Relationships

What Our Pets Teach Us About Marketing Relationships

Animals, especially pets, have a big job. They?re often used in marketing to attract attention, they provide tips on how to do email marketing and they?re our companions.

These pets of ours can also teach us about relationships, and more specifically, the relationships we develop with our audience. Some of our AWeber pets volunteered to pass on their wisdom to our readers?

Sadie: Be Respectful

Ed Long, Web Developer, says that while Sadie looks all cute and nice, she has a lot of attitude.

And just like it?s tempting to believe that Sadie is all angel, it?s also tempting to believe that every email address you have wants to be on your mailing list. But you have to respect people?s privacy, and only add people that have specifically requested to be on your mailing list in order to avoid spam complaints.

Zach: Help Each Other Out

Heather Geiger, Customer Solutions Specialist, has a mutually beneficial relationship with her horse, Zach. He counts on her for the carrots, and she knows that he?s always up for a ride.

Relationships with your subscribers works the same way. Your subscribers can bring in more sales and referrals, while you provide valuable content and products.

Otis: Take Baby Steps

Joe Hackney, Customer Solutions Specialist, has to teach his 10-month-old Corgi, Otis, about the world. From house training to tricks, what?s okay to eat and where he can?t lay down, Otis has lots of new rules to learn.

Your subscribers may need help from you to learn how to use your product or service. Make sure you provide detailed instructions, FAQs and how-to articles (hint: follow ups are great for this).

Scout: Earn Their Trust

Liz Cies, Public Relations Specialist, is seen here with Scout. Scout?s a little nervous about being outside the comforts of home, but she trusts Liz will protect her.

You need your subscribers? trust as well. They?re giving you their email address plus any other information you ask for, so include your privacy policy and make sure you stick to the expectations you set for them.

Rylie: Celebrate Holidays Together

Megan Keenan, Customer Solutions Specialist, gets her dog Rylie pumped up for the holidays so they can celebrate together.

This is an easy one to work in your email campaign. You can send subscribers a gift or coupon on holidays, or provide helpful tips to help them prepare for whatever holiday is coming up.

Desmond: Avoid Being Overenthusiastic

Mike Smalley, Systems Administrator, loves his cat Desmond. And Desmond likes Mike ? most of the time.

As long as your subscribers are subscribers, they like you. However, you can?t take advantage of that and start making changes ? like go from sending one a week to every day. If you do want to make those changes, give your subscribers the option to stay at the frequency they?re at.

Jerry: Cheer Them Up

Anthony Acquaviva, Customer Solutions Specialist, knows that Jerry can fix any bad mood he?s in.

If you provide that same role with your subscribers, they?ll be sticking around for awhile! Try to use a friendly, personal tone and also check you email to make sure it?s relevant and ready to go before sending it out.

Cookie: Think Outside the Box

Robert Murphy, Customer Solutions Specialist, knows Cookie loves attention. And what better way for a dog to get attention than to get in costume?

Don?t be shy about getting fun and clever with your emails once in awhile ? share something about your company?s culture, your personal life or anything else your subscribers will find interesting.

Have Your Pets Taught You Business Lessons?

Feel free to share them with us below.

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Myers Bigel Celebrates 15 Years of Excellence in ... - NCTechNews

RALEIGH, N.C.?Myers Bigel Sibley & Sajovec, P.A. (Myers Bigel), the largest independent patent law firm in the Carolinas, recently celebrated 15 years of excellence in intellectual property protection with a reception for clients, peers, and staff outside its office on Parklake Avenue in Raleigh. The celebration marked continuing growth in terms of clients, practicing attorneys, industry leadership and third-party accolades attesting to the firm?s success in filing, defending, and enforcing intellectual property, with a strong focus on patents. ?We continue to invest in dedicated patent lawyers with technical degrees who are eager to produce and enforce top-quality patents,? Jim Cannon, managing partner and member of Myers Bigel?s mechanical group, said.

Since its founding 15 years ago, Myers Bigel has grown from 17 attorneys to 33, from a staff of 16 to 42, and now occupies a 21,260 square-foot office.

Cannon, who recently presented ?Patents 101? to the Raleigh Wake Paralegal Association, is one of many attorneys at the firm sharing their expertise at industry events in Research Triangle Park and beyond on scientific as well as legal topics. Rick Matthews, an attorney in Myers Bigel?s litigation group, spoke recently on ?Current Ethical Issues in IP Law? at the Fall 2012 Meeting of the Carolina Patent, Trademark? & Copyright Law Association.

Cannon, Matthews, and their peers at Myers Bigel serve in leadership roles within respected organizations such as the American Bar Association, American Intellectual Property Law Association, Association of University Technology Managers, Triangle Intellectual Property Law Association, Carolina Patent Trademark & Copyright Law Association, and North Carolina Bar Association.

Multiple members of the firm?s talented legal team have been continually named to elite lawyer lists published over the years by trusted third-party media outlets such as Super Lawyers Magazine and Business North Carolina.

?We?re a different kind of patent law firm in that every attorney at Myers Bigel is a substantive working patent lawyer, something unheard of at traditional leveraged law firms,? said Mitch Bigel, himself a working patent lawyer and member of Business North Carolina?s Legal Elite Hall of Fame.

As Bigel explained, his firm is organized as an inverted pyramid without dedicated ?rain makers? passing off new work to inexperienced attorneys. ?The same experienced, dedicated attorney who begins working with a client continues to apply that experience to the nuts and bolts of the patent development, filing and approval process,? he said.

Myers Bigel filed over 1,500 new U.S. patent applications in 2011, in addition to more than 400 patent applications in foreign countries and over 190 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)? applications. The firm?s efforts were recognized by IAM/Ocean Tomo, which ranked Myers Bigel in the top two in the country for quality in the consumer electronics discretionary category, and by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services which ranked the firm number 35 in the list of Top 50 firms.

Taking a high quality, low fees approach to doing business over the past 15 years, Myers Bigel has chosen to invest in corporate infrastructure in Raleigh rather than opening offices in larger U.S. cities. The attractive quality of life and low cost of living in the greater Research Triangle region has allowed the firm to attract and keep some of the best legal talent in the country, including a number of former in-house counsel, all while keeping overhead costs much lower than firms located in expensive major metropolitan areas. As a result, Myers Bigel clients have access to experienced lawyers producing and enforcing top-quality patents, with billing rates dramatically lower than big city competitors and well below the national average.

?We have a number of seasoned attorneys having over 20 years of quality experience who are billing at rates far below those of their professional peers at big city firms, while producing quality patent law work that stacks up against any law firm or attorney in the country,? Bigel said.

Myers Bigel provides expertise in all intellectual property areas, including trademark and copyrights, as well as patents. Operating out of the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina, Myers Bigel represents corporate and university clients located in the Carolinas, throughout the Southeast, across the United States, and in Europe and Asia.

For more information, visit

About Myers Bigel
Myers Bigel Sibley & Sajovec, P.A. (Myers Bigel) is an intellectual property law firm combining patent law expertise with a stable continuity of counsel to produce quality patents that stand up to scrutiny. We are the largest independent patent law firm in the Carolinas, continually ranked among the top national firms by well-respected legal media and industry organizations. Our knowledgeable, vibrant team of attorneys with degreed technical experience successfully acquires, protects, enforces and defends patent assets and intellectual property in a variety of fields including biotechnology, chemistry, electronics and computing, mechanical and? trademark practice, as well as in litigation. Headquartered in Raleigh in the Research Triangle Park region of North Carolina, with clients spanning the globe, we remain active in symposia, seminars, and continuing education efforts to further best practices in intellectual property protection and enforcement. For more information on our high quality work visit


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Daytrading, Stock Trading, Investing and Forex Trading ? Explaining ...

They don't blame any person or anything for what's happened to their money. What do successful traders share in common? Do they cry and whinge about losing millions of bucks in the market when that occurs? No, they take responsibility of their actions when trading in the stockmarket. They wish they had made better choices. Most noobs would regret what occurred during the past. Picking the ?gainers? and avoiding the ?losers? is the name of the game. For instance, ?I should have purchased this other stock instead? or ?I shouldn't have listened to that stockbroker.? Each successful investor has a tactic that he sticks to. Warren Buffett knows this idea well, and that made him the second-richest man in the world today. What if you had a technique to tell which stocks are intending to make a murdering in the market? Spot the ?gainers? earlier without depending on brokers or sly insider data. If you should happen to feel assured you can manage your portfolio without trained advice, which can prove pricey I would add, most online agents offer free tools to help you with consumer analysis like historic charts, realtime stock quotes and tutorial videos.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Credit Canada helps Canadians Manage their Debt | Debt Advice

by wolverine on October 25, 2012

(PRWEB) January 01, 2012

Credit Counseling Service of Toronto, or Credit Canada by which they are better known, is a non-profit service specializing in financial coaching and debt management programs. They have helped thousands to learn the skills needed to manage their finances since 1966. For many people finances are overwhelming. It is simple for consumers to be caught up in the buy now and pay later thinking that has become a way of life and this can have serious consequences: saving for retirement is often forgotten and debt mounts.

Credit Canada can help consumers get their financial affairs in order no matter what type of debt problems they are experiencing. The service is free as most of their expenses are paid by finance companies and banks. From debt management programs to credit counseling, educating consumers about finances is what Credit Canada does.

A Financial Coaching Series is one service provided. It is taught by accredited money counselors. In addition, personal finance coaches are available to help with budgets and education concerning credit. Credit Canada provides services to anyone who needs advice or counseling on how to reduce, manage and eliminate debt. A plot that is specific for any situation can be made helping consumers by developing a debt management program that can allow them to become debt-free and stress-free. This service is available for everyone regardless of income and is strictly confidential.

Credit Canada has provided financial coaching to thousands of people since their inception in 1966. The company has expanded tremendously over the years and today is reaching more families and individuals. While helping so many people learn how to manage their debt provides satisfaction, there remains a concern for many others. The widespread problems that consumers everywhere are experiencing, including the growth of the credit industry and the focus on higher levels of debt and lower levels of savings is a crucial part of this concern.

Credit Canada can develop a budget that is specific to the needs of their clients and will work with creditors to develop payment plans that are affordable. Allowing people to be in charge of their debt rather than letting debt control them is one result that financial coaching can provide. Regaining control is key to managing debt and it can be much simpler than most people believe. Credit Canada can set up a monthly account to manage debt. The money is transferred from the client to Credit Canada. It is place into a trust account and the payments are then made to creditors each month. This pays down the amount of debt owed as well as reflecting favorably on credit ratings. The money is fully protected and insured when placed in the trust. Credit Canada is registered and licensed by the Province of Ontario as well as being an accredited member of the Ontario Association of Credit Counseling Services and the Canadian Association of Credit Counseling Services. When a debt management program is needed to provide relief from creditors and the stress that is a result of debt, Credit Canada can help.

For information on financial coaching and debt management solutions, contact Credit Canada for a free assessment today.



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Is Spain Facing Japan-Style Stagnation?

The credit crisis has led to the U.S., the U.K. and even the entire euro zone being dubbed the ?new Japan? ? with the Asian country synonymous with a particular kind of extended stagnation.

Ralf Hiemisch / Getty Images/fStop

Spanish flag in the shape of Spain

Now, analysts at Deutsche Bank have examined the likenesses between Spain -- after its housing bust -- and Japan in the 1990s, and found some ?very close? parallels.

(Read More: 'Japanization' of Euro Zone)

Japan dealt with its property-fuelled economic crisis of the 1990s via near zero percent interest rates and a massive transfer of debt from the private to the public sector. The resulting decades of deflation and shallow recessions have meant the country has become a byword for stagnation.

(Read More: Dangers of Japan-style 'Lost Decade' in Europe and America)

There are several key areas where today?s Spain, which is reportedly mulling a full bailout by international creditors, is worryingly like Japan two decades ago. The first is the property bust which helped cause many of its problems.

Another is a high level of private sector leverage. As Dominic Konstam, analyst, and Francis Yared, strategist at Deutsche Bank point out, before the euro zone crisis began, the Spanish private sector was even more over-levered than the U.S. or Japan in the 1990s.

Spain?s 10-year real rate (the rate investors receive on government bonds after allowing for inflation) is also ?clearly too high,? and ?very close? to that observed in Japan during the 1990s, according to the Deutsche Bank team. This indicates that the country may have problems with its cost of borrowing in the long-term.

(Read More: Spain Facing Months in No Man's Land)

Yet Spain is not on an inexorable path towards turning Japanese, according to Konstam and Yared.

The Mediterranean country has deleveraged at a much faster pace than Japan did. And while the euro hasn?t depreciated in value in the way some may have hoped, it hasn?t increased in the export-harming way the yen did during Japan?s crisis.

The European Central Bank(ECB)?s monetary policy easing, carried out via long-term refinancing operations (LTROs), has also helped, the two analysts added.

(Read More: What is an LTRO?)

And the most important tool in stopping Spain suffering Japan?s fate could be yet to come.

The credit easing by the ECB earmarked for next year, which should bring Spanish bond yields under control, will ultimately be more important than its other actions, according to Deutsche Bank.

Written by Catherine Boyle, CNBC. Twitter: @cboylecnbc

? 2012


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nokia seeks $1 billion from bonds to help power fightback

HELSINKI (Reuters) - Mobile phone maker Nokia plans to raise 750 million euros ($980 million) by issuing convertible bonds to bolster its cash position as it battles to claw back market share lost to Apple and Samsung.

Once the world's biggest mobile phone maker, the Finnish firm has fallen far behind Apple's iPhone and Samsung's Galaxy phones in the lucrative smartphone market, and is pinning its hopes for recovery on new models that go on sale next month.

With its net cash falling to 3.6 billion euros in September from 4.2 billion in June, and its credit ratings cut to junk over the past year, analysts have said the company needs to show a turnaround in the next several months if it is to survive.

"It is a rather cheap way to get extra financing," said Evli analyst Mikko Ervasti of the plan to issue convertible bonds, which are potentially most lucrative to investors when they are converted into shares several years after they are issued.

"They need buffers (and) their 2014 bond also requires financing," he added.

Nokia finished the third quarter with 3.8 billion euros in interest-bearing liabilities, with 1.75 billion in bonds and loans maturing in 2014. The company also owns half of network equipment venture Nokia Siemens Networks, which finished the quarter with 1.4 billion euros in liabilities.

The convertible bonds will be due in 2017 and will pay a coupon between 4.25 percent and 5.00 percent. The initial price for conversion into ordinary shares is expected to be 28-33 percent above the average price of Nokia shares between the launch and pricing of the offering.

At 0905 GMT, Nokia shares, which have been volatile in recent sessions, were down 5.1 percent at 2.05 euros.


Nokia's fortunes hinge on its top-of-the-range Lumia 820 and 920 models, which run on Microsoft's new Windows Phone 8 software, come in vivid colours, have high-resolution cameras, and will hit the stores in November.

On Tuesday, the group unveiled the lower price Lumia 510, which is an update of the Lumia 610 but does not use the newest version of Windows software. The 510 has a larger screen and will be sold for around $199, excluding taxes and subsidies.

ING analysts welcomed the convertible bonds plan as reducing uncertainty around Nokia's short-term debt maturities and bolstering its capital.

"It also shows that the company is taking the question marks around its credit quality seriously and is willing to take the steps necessary to improve this," they said in a research note.

Nokia's five-year credit default swaps were trading around 2.8 percent tighter in early trading, signalling a reduction in the cost of insuring the company against default.

The final terms of the convertible bonds, including the conversion price and maximum number of shares which may be issued upon conversion, will be announced later in the day. Trading in the bonds are due to start around October 26.

($1 = 0.7651 euros)

(Reporting by Ritsuko Ando and Jussi Rosendahl in Helsinki and Josephine Cos in London's IFR; Editing by Mark Potter)


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Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers and Andrew Luck make NFL history in Week 7

Cold, Hard Football Facts for Oct 22, 2012


A look at?seven statistical highlights?from games played at 1:00 p.m. ET and 4:00 p.m. ET on Sunday, October 21, the seventh week of the 2012 season.

  • New Orleans quarterback?DREW BREES?passed for 377 yards with four touchdowns in the Saints? 35-28 win at Tampa Bay. Brees has?16 career games with four+ touchdown passes and 300+ passing yards, tied with Pro Football Hall of Famer?DAN MARINO?for the most in NFL history.

Brees registered his 62nd 300-yard passing game of his career,?tying?BRETT FAVRE?(62) for the third-most 300-yard passing games in NFL history. Denver?s?PEYTON MANNING?(67 games) holds the record, while Marino (63) has the second-most in NFL history.



  • Indianapolis rookie quarterback?ANDREW LUCK?passed for 186 yards and rushed for two touchdowns in the Colts? 17-13 win over Cleveland. Luck is the?first rookie quarterback with 1,500 passing yards (1,674) and three wins in a team?s first six games in NFL history.


  • Tennessee running back?CHRIS JOHNSON?rushed for 195 yards and two rushing touchdowns (16-yard rush TD; 83-yard rush TD) in the Titans? 35-34 win over Buffalo. Johnson?now has four career rushing touchdowns of 80+ yards, the most in NFL history. Johnson surpassed?AHMAN GREEN,?HUGH MC ELHENNY?and Pro Football Hall of Famers?BARRY SANDERS?and?O.J. SIMPSON?as the only players with three career rushing touchdowns of 80+ yards in NFL history.


  • Minnesota running back?ADRIAN PETERSON?rushed for 153 yards and a touchdown in his 80th career game as the Vikings? defeated Arizona, 21-14. Peterson has 67 career rushing touchdowns,?the fourth-most through 80 games in NFL history. Only Pro Football Hall of Famers?EMMITT SMITH?(78) and?JIM BROWN?(76) andLA DAINIAN TOMLINSON?(73) have more rushing touchdowns through 80 career games.


  • New York Giants wide receiver?VICTOR CRUZ?had seven catches for 131 receiving yards and a touchdown in the Giants? 27-23 win over Washington. With 1:13 remaining in the fourth quarter, Cruz hauled in a 77-yard touchdown pass from quarterback?ELI MANNING?for?the longest game-winning touchdown in the final two minutes of a game in franchise history.


  • Houston wide receiver?ANDRE JOHNSON?had a team-high nine receptions for 86 yards in the Texans? 43-13 win over Baltimore. Johnson now?has 25 career games with nine+ receptions and 80+ receiving yards, trailing only Pro Football Hall of Famer?JERRY RICE?(28) and?MARVIN HARRISON?(28). The Texans are?6-1 for the first time in franchise history.

Read more: Aaron Rodgers, Adrian Peterson, Andre Johnson, Andrew Luck, Barry Sanders, Brett Favre, Brown, Chris Johnson, Drew Brees, Eli Manning, Ian Peters, Indianapolis, Jerry Rice, Jim Brown, Marvin Harris, Marvin Harrison, New York Giants, Peyton Manning, S Johnson, TBA, Team, Victor Cruz, Week 7


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Armstrong removes Tour titles from Twitter bio

(AP) ? Having won seven Tour de France titles is no longer part of Lance Armstrong's Twitter profile.

As late as Monday night, Armstrong's bio on the social media site included a mention of his seven Tour wins from 1999-2005, but reference to the race was removed hours after he was stripped of the titles by the International Cycling Union and banned from the sport for life for his involvement in what the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency described as a massive doping program.

Early Tuesday, Armstrong's profile said: "Raising my five kids. Fighting Cancer. Swim, bike, run and golf whenever I can." Previously, the profile said: "Father of 5 amazing kids, 7-time Tour de France winner, full time cancer fighter, part time triathlete."

The Twitter change was the only immediate reaction from Armstrong to the UCI's decision to take away his titles.

Armstrong has been a prolific user of Twitter and has nearly 3,800,000 followers on his page. His most recent tweet was on Oct. 17 when he announced he would stand down as chairman of the Livestrong cancer-awareness charity he founded.

Armstrong has steadfastly denied doping, but chose not to fight USADA in one of the agency's arbitration hearings, arguing the process was rigged against him.

On Monday, the UCI emphatically threw its support behind USADA, ending a saga that brought down the most decorated rider in Tour history and exposed widespread cheating in professional cycling.

"Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling, and he deserves to be forgotten in cycling," UCI President Pat McQuaid said. "Make no mistake, it's a catastrophe for him, and he has to face up to that."

Tour de France organizers said they will not give Armstrong's former titles to other riders, leaving a seven-year gap on the honor roll of the sport's biggest event during an era the USADA report showed was rife with doping.

Associated Press


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Monday, October 22, 2012

NoPhoto Prevents Speeding, Red Light Cameras From Giving You Tickets [VIDEO]


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Appearing in the current climate, sometimes you really want a little excessive money to help you out out until pay day. Minute cash in side payday loans generally very simple in order to really attain and maintain if needed. It's while easy as body two three!
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Damned right, they do: International monitors at US polling places ...

Socialize RWV:

Get these sorry-assed U.N. bastards out of the country. Send them home to try and fashion a form of democracy half as good as ours, before allowing them to sit in judgment on any thing. This is absolutely insane.

United Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud.

The request for foreign monitoring of election sites drew a strong rebuke from Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of True the Vote, a conservative-leaning group seeking to crack down on election fraud.

?These activist groups sought assistance not from American sources, but from the United Nations,? she said in a statement to The Hill. ?The United Nations has no jurisdiction over American elections.?

The observers, from countries such as Germany, France, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, will observe voting at polling places and other political activity.



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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Swing-State Gas Prices Head Obama's Way

Gas prices have been unexpectedly high this fall, due to supply shortages and volatile oil prices. They finally seem to be drifting down, however, which could obviously help President Obama if the trend continues up until Election Day.

[PHOTOS: Quirky Ways to Guess the Next President]

An even bigger factor, overlooked by many political analysts, could be gas prices in key swing states. Data compiled by AAA shows that the national average, which has fallen by nine cents over the past week, is $3.72 per gallon. Gas prices are lower than the national average in eight of the 11 most hotly contested states, and higher in only three. Here are the eight swing states with gas prices below the national average, according to AAA:

Virginia (average price for regular unleaded: $3.55 per gallon)

North Carolina ($3.67)

Florida ($3.67)

Ohio ($3.45)

Iowa ($3.63)

Michigan ($3.58)

Wisconsin ($3.62)

Colorado ($3.68)

Gas prices, of course, are just one of many factors that determine whether people feel like they're getting ahead or falling behind. But gas prices have an outsized effect on consumer psyches, depressing confidence when they're going up and boosting contentment when they're going down.

[RELATED: Jobless Rate Improves in Several Swing States]

Nationwide, gas prices are still about $.25 per gallon higher than they were a year ago. But many voters seem to realize that gas prices are determined by the level of conflict in the Middle East, demand in faraway places like China, and other factors no president can control. Obama's main challenge is persuading voters that economic conditions, while far from ideal, are consistently getting better.

Another trend helping Obama is falling unemployment rates in 9 of 11 swing states. Four of those states are doing better than the national average on both gas prices and unemployment: Virginia, Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa. Of those, gas prices are lowest in Ohio, at an average of $3.45 per gallon, while unemployment there is 7 percent, compared with 7.8 percent nationally. Iowa has the lowest swing-state unemployment rate, at 5.2 percent, with gas prices at $3.63 per gallon.

Nevada, is the worst of the swing states, with unemployment at 11.8 percent and gas prices at $3.94 per gallon--due in part to recent unexpected refinery shutdowns in neighboring California.

[SEE ALSO: Tough New Gas-Mileage Rules Are Good for Drivers]

Obama, needless to say, must do a lot more to win the swing states than sit back and hope gas prices keep falling. But if they continue to drift down, it will make it easier for Obama to convince voters that they're doing better under his leadership.

By most accounts, whoever wins the election needs to win Ohio. If Obama carried Ohio, he'd need only a couple of additional swing states to assure victory. His Republican opponent Mitt Romney, by contrast, needs a stronger showing among swing states in order to win the White House. High gas prices are one of the everyday hardships Romney frequently bashes Obama for, but his case may be getting weaker. With gas prices generally trending upward over time, many drivers may consider the new normal to be around $3.50 or so--with anything below that feeling like a bonus.

Rick Newman is the author of Rebounders: How Winners Pivot From Setback To Success. Follow him on Twitter: @rickjnewman.


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