Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rick Santorum Signifies What's Wrong with the Republican Party (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | I spent Tuesday night shouting angrily at my TV. I'm still unsure if I'm more angry with former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick "Google problem" Santorum or at a criminally myopic electorate that, according to the Associated Press, chose Santorum for the presidency in three states, bringing his total to four.

Republicans seem to have forgotten everything our republic is about. They seem to have forgotten we are a republic and not a democracy. And despite what Santorum says when he incessantly quotes from the Declaration of Independence, as he did Tuesday, according to the Washington Post, that no matter how much we might love that document, it bears no weight in law.

Santorum seems to think our nation's Constitution, which does bear weight in law, begins with the words "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." It doesn't. In fact, not once in the 4,543 word document does it make any reference to God, by name or insinuation. Given the culture of the time, that's important to note. It was not an oversight. It was deliberate.

Infusing "God" into Americana seems to be a favorite pastime of the Christian element of the Republican Party. It was they who added "In God we trust" to our money -- on coins in 1864 after the Civil War and on paper in 1957 at the end of the McCarthy era. It was they who added "Under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 despite that its creator, a Baptist pastor, left out all mention of God when he wrote it in 1892.

Christianity has taken over the Republican Party and weakened America with its lies that people can be free -- so long as they are moral. They claim America is strong because of God instead of because of liberty that it's OK in a nation of free people the government legislate morality. Governments shouldn't be establishing morality but order among those of varied understandings of morality, always erring on the side of personal liberty.

The greatest threat to freedom doesn't come from terrorists or foreign governments. It comes in the form of a wolf in patriot's clothing. And today, it comes wearing a sweater vest.


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