Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Video: Wedding hot air balloon crashes after vows

>>> from san diego , it gives a whole new meaning to the term wedding crashers . maras schiavocampo has the story.

>> reporter: they took to the skies to say i do, but an unfortunate twist. a wedding they won't soon forget . take a look at how it ended.

>> brace. hold on. that's right. after the san diego couple got married in a hot air balloon , they were wedding crashers . a gust of wind blew their wedding party into a fence in a suburban neighborhood.

>> the minister married us. although i don't think we said i do.

>> yeah, we said --

>> we said i do? next thing we know, we're crashing into a fence and killing a tree and, you know, i said jesus about four or 5,000 times.

>> reporter: the wind swung the balloon's basket like a pendulum, forcing the pilot to make a crash landing .

>> heard a lot of screaming. we got out there as fast as we could and found the bride and groom, wedding party and a bunch of very relieved people.

>> reporter: although there was no significant damage to any homes in the neighborhood, crews had to work through the night to get the enormous balloon off the roo roof.

>> disconnect it from the basket.

>> reporter: despite the bumpy landing and a few scrapes and bruises, the newlyweds remained in good spirits in what was a second marriage for both.

>> i was laughing.

>> an adventure. i always said to my kids if i ever get married again i'm going to get married in a hot air balloon .

>> she told me she dreamed about our wedding and we were getting married in a hot air balloon and i said i'm scared of heights. i won't tell you the rest of what i said. but i went up in the balloon. when you love someone --

>> it is a beautiful place.

>> reporter: a bumpy start, but smooth sailing toward a new life and memories they'll never forget. the good news, no one suffered any serious injuries. the couple is now on their honeymoon with quite a story to tell.

>> mara, thank you so much. it's good luck. i looked up -- it's like rain on your wedding day. crashing and tumbling through fences and brush on your wedding day.

>> i hope they don't believe in metaphors at all.

>> i wonder if the husband now still has a fear of heights?

>> what's there to worry about?

>> not going up in that again.


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